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The Characteristics of Philippines
The Characteristics of Philippine can speak in English, excellent job knowledge, and Fast understanding. And they are cheerful and sanguine temper.
System of government Republicanism
Form of government Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Race Malay(96%), Chinese(2%)
Official language Tagalog, English
Climate A humid tropics
Religion Catholicism (85%), Christianity(8%), Islam (5%)
Nature and Lifestyle - Philippine workers can speak in English and they have high-performance work but, the physical stamina is weak.
- Philippine workers has a low illiteracy rate and be self-assertive, be criticized, not prompt in action but, they are cheerful, sanguine temper, and also be sociable.
- In public open area, Being a transient character when they heard scolding or shouting like a big insult to them
- The customary of family conscious