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The Characteristics of Vietnam
Northern, Central part of Vietnamese is strong determination and patient, Southern part of Vietnamese is optimists and the type who is open.
System of government The socialist republic
Form of government Marxist-Leninst single-party state
Race Vietnamese (88%), Chinese
Official language Vietnamese (Official language)
Climate Northern (subtropical) Southern (tropical monsoon)
Religion Buddhism, Catholicism
Nature and Lifestyle - Northern, Central part people are patience and have strong determination, Southern people are optimists and the type who is open.
- Good in react quickness and hand skill
- Weak in cold and dislike to rely on others
- Hate the spicy food and cold food and prefer the vegetable and chicken.
- Strong self-esteem, stubborn and sensitive
- Does not active, introversive, and a little bit passive
- Too much save their face, when they got a mistake they deny with their mistake and make an excuse