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Set up manning plan for prime builder Analyze quota and confirm / request manpower Support if order.
Set up manning plan for prime builder
“Panasco” HQ, Oversea affiliated company, UAE Branch Nationality/by professional, applicant inform, provide local labor regulation, employed labor inform and draft data for project planning.
“Panasco” HQ, by nationality/ By professional/detailed collecting Request governance cooperation
Request to Panasco HQ for support
Submit preferred manpower lists and for urgent supply manpower lists / request approval Prepare documents for help-wanted advertisement by local Agent.
Recruitment ad Necessary doc. /confirm and notary
Recruitment advertisement
Prepare notary relevant documents through local agent nominated by prime builder Confirm the document to the local chamber of loc commercial & industrial Need a letter of approval at Selected nation and project nation’s embassy (counselor confirmation)
Select functional manpower
/ finalized employment
Selection of functional manpower and fixing the recruitment
Collect manpower in relevant occupation as much as double number then, finalized by prime builder recruiter. Take a final interview and enforce local training of finalized manpower in their country
Fill in visa form for finalized
employees / Application / obtaining
Visa form preparation-application-acquisition
for finalized employees
visa acquisition for departure scheduled manpower by Prime builder(Local Agent) and employee Visa application (Immigration office)
Departure permit by worker’s native country Acquainted entry visa from local country Departure to worker’s native country
Entry visa application and Air ticketing
“Panasco” branch office & affiliated companies execute departure permit/entry visa application & Air ticketing
Workers entry
Enter a country
“Panasco” UAE branch arrange accommodation and notify living regulation during the contract term to the employees Issue gate pass and provide safety equipment
Manpower mobilization
Manpower mobilization
“Panaco” UAE Branch- send the correspondence letter to the worker’s home and report on operation. Personnel manager stay temporarily or permanently (monitoring/safety reason)